WTF Is Allegory and Elm?

January 30, 2020

We are taught to dream big, but often other people, our identity, negative self talk, and stories try to keep us in “our lane”. Many factors try to keep us from achieving greatness. Resistance is what Stephen Pressfield calls it in his book The War of Art. We are constantly warring with ourselves, and with others about where we belong in this world. We often look to others for permission to claim the greatness we were born for. We buy the lie that others have a say in our journey towards wholeness, self love, and achieving the things that we are passionate about. Don’t get me wrong. We shouldn’t walk over others to achieve our means, but we also should NOT give them the power. We should not give them the power to approve or disapprove of our life choices. They are welcome to do so, to judge, but we are also welcome to filter feedback and not just consume it wholesale. I’m misrepresenting Pressfield’s views on The Resistance. He paints resistance as the thing or things that keep us from our art, from creating, from growing, and from truly living. So, I guess I am not entirely misrepresenting him and his work. I am just adding to it.

Check out our latest episode of the podcast here.

So what does this have to do with your new business bro? Well, if I had listened to the resistance or to the voice in my head that was saying, “no one will care, you will fail, it’s too risky,” Allegory and Elm wouldn’t exist. Allegory and Elm has been a dream of mine for over a year at this point. I had a solid photography business under my surname and I wanted to expand my business. I didn’t just want a name change, I wanted a complete overhaul and an entire new vision. I wanted my business to feel less transactional and more focused on connection. My connection with the couple and their connection with each other. So what was the vision of Allegory and Elm and what the fuck does it mean?

We are Allegory and Elm.

Allegory – represents a hidden story or meaning.

What is the hidden meaning of our lives?

Elm – represents growth, being rooted, and connected.

How can we be vulnerable and live in truth so that we can all grow together?

Allegory and Elm is beyond just photography. We have a passion for pushing boundaries, speaking truth, being vulnerable, taking risks, and living with intention. We do all of this through a lens of story and growth. How does the story of our life and the stories we tell ourselves, help us to learn and grow? We use storytelling through podcasting by shedding light on subjects that many would consider to be taboo. We enhance the podcast with our YouTube channel that includes weekly challenges to help people not remain stagnant on their growth journey. We have found that by discussing difficult subjects, that is where we truly grow. The hidden meaning of our lives, the Allegory, is revealed to us only when we are willing to fully embrace what it has in store for us. It is only there that the Elm within, has room to root itself and grow. This same level of intention is put towards telling the story of your wedding, elopement, or your life. Your Story Matters.

An Excerpt From Katie May

I knew about 6 months in to our recovery from the news of the affair that one day I wanted to share this story with the world. Whether we stayed together or not, it felt important to let people into this part of our lives. Into our mess. Not for our own benefit, but because of the value of showing other people what the “in process” looks like. To show others that there is no perfection, only growth. 

Having shared our miscarriage story 4 years ago, I realized the value and benefit of being publicly vulnerable especially around difficult, taboo topics. I have seen the beauty and benefit of hearing other people’s stories and am grateful for the vulnerability I have witnessed from other people’s lives. It had taught me so much. People are hungry for realness, honesty, and vulnerability. I’m hungry for it. The older I get, the more I appreciate the brave and real moments of people’s lives over the surface level, “I’m fine,” responses. Let’s cut to the chase…life is messy and hard, beautiful and brutal. We all have our shit. No one is immune. This is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s not because you are good or bad. This is part of the human experience, the journey, the process. Let’s trust it.

Andrew Here Again…

We do not have to be defined by how others define us. We get to forge our own path and make our own decisions. The decisions may not always be popular, and often those you are closest to will provide the most resistance. Be careful too that the one inside you, the voice in your head, for me it’s Brad; make sure that voice doesn’t override the voice that tells you to dream big and to GO FOR IT!

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