How to Treat a Lady

February 8, 2016

What do little girls need most from their father?  No, it’s not for dads to answer the door in their underwear with a shotgun.  It’s not for dads to be their daughters ultimate protector.  The thing girls need most from their father is to teach them how they deserve to be treated.  That they deserve love, respect, and attention.  I had the privilege of getting to photograph a father/daughter dance this weekend.  It was a studio setup with a backdrop, but what I found was that the relationships between the fathers and their daughters was what really shined.  It made me really appreciate that bond that I share with both my girls Afton and Isla.  There is nothing like the father/daughter relationship in the world, and it was great to see the sensitive uninhibited side of all these men who were treating their daughters the way all men should treat them.  The thing I loved most about the dance is that the girls get to feel what it is like to truly be pursued by a gentleman.  I heard one dad say that he drove around the block in his neighborhood and came back to his house with chocolates and a giant stuffed gorilla for his 5 year old and he then took her out to the restaurant of her choosing.  By teaching our girls at such a young age the respect they deserve, they will expect no less when it comes to dating boys.  We must continue to emulate the qualities we want our daughters to seek out in other potential prospects.  We are teaching self respect and love, and all while just having a fun time.  Here is to all the dads who made the effort and continue to make the effort to be present in their daughters lives.  Keep it up dads!!

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